2016 â present: a member of the Theory Science Team for the Parker Solar Probe Mission (NASA)
2014 â 2025: 13 consecutive years Convener of the AGU (American Geophysical Union) Session âFundamental Physics of the Solar Corona and Inner Heliosphereâ
2023, September: Convener/Organizer of a workshop on Magnetic Switchbacks in the Young Solar Wind, which was sponsored by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland
Conference organizations: PROM meetings 2007-2011, First Solar Probe Plus meeting in Pasadena 2014, First joint Solar Probe Plus-Solar Orbiter conference 2015, Artimino, Florence, Italy
A member of the International ISSI Team (2017) âSolving the prominence paradoxâ (PI Nicolas Labrosse)
PROBA-2/SWAP Guest Investigator at the Royal Observatory of Belgium (2016) (âPseudostreamers and their Immediate Environment: Observations and Modelingâ)
Co-I of a Category II proposal to NASA Heliophysics Explorer mission SAFARI, Solar Activity Far Side Investigation (Caltech/JPL)
2009 â Present: Regular reviewer for NASA and for a range of scientific manuscripts including Solar Physics, JGR, ApJ, and ApJL
Dr. Panasenco has given lectures in various graduate courses in Solar Physics and Heliophysics in 2020-2021 (UCLA-EPSS7 Perils of Space Course; âExploring the Solar Atmosphereâ in the University of Bochum)
President and CEO, Board Member of Advanced Heliophysics Inc.
Telloni, D. + 43 colleagues. âEvolution of Solar Wind Turbulence from 0.1 to 1 au during the First Parker Solar Probe-Solar Orbiter Radial Alignmentâ, ApJ 912 (2021)
Velli, M. + 30 colleagues. âUnderstanding the origins of the heliosphere: integrating observations and measurements from Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, and other space- and ground-based observatoriesâ, Astronomy and Astrophysics 642 (2020)
Panasenco, O., Velli, M., and Panasenco, A., âLarge-scale Magnetic Funnels in the Solar CoronaâApJ, 873, 25 (2019)
Wang, Y.-M., and Panasenco, O., âObservations of Solar Wind from Earth-directed Coronal Pseudostreamersâ, ApJ, 872, 139 (2019)
Titov, V.S., Mikic, Z., Török, T., Linker, J.A., and Panasenco, O. â2010 August 1â2 Sympathetic Eruptions. II. Magnetic Topology of the MHD Background Fieldâ, ApJ, 845, 141 (2017)
Panasenco, O., Martin, S., Velli, M., and A. Vourlidas, âOrigins of Rolling, Twisting and Non-Radial Propagation of Eruptive Solar Eventsâ, Solar Phys. 287, 391 (2014)
Panasenco, O., Martin, S., and M. Velli, âApparent Solar Tornado â Like Prominencesâ, Solar Phys. 289, 603 (2014)
Panasenco, O., and Velli, M., âCoronal pseudostreamers: Source of fast or slow solar wind?â, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 1539, 50 (2013)
Török T. Panasenco, O., Titov, V. S., et al., âA Model for Magnetically Coupled Sympathetic Eruptionsâ, The Astrophysical Journal 739, (2011)